Doctors are ok. I mean, they are "trained" at what they are suppose to be doing. Heck, my husband is in medical school right now to be a doctor. Half of my extended family are doctors....
That, however, does not mean that doctors know everything. Ever since I was a young child with diabetes, I have always connected with the doctors who related to me, tried to understand me and not just tell me what to do. The people I listened to the most were people who had diabetes, cause I felt like they really knew about daily struggles and trials, and weren't just going by what they read in a book.
I once had a doctor tell me "you know your body better than me" (true)----"so you know what is best for it." I agree with this guy. So now, why I am in limbo in New Orleans with NO PLACE to live at the moment, and working on health insurance, do I need a to go see a doctor three times before he will write me a prescription ? ( I am not saying this isn't how it should be, I am just frustrated). I am running low on supplies ( yes, I could have planned better, but I wouldn't be living with my two gals out of a hotel if I could have planned better) and need them soon---very very soon in fact. I have been on the same meds for years so I know exactly what I need. Why can't you just trust me doc? If you don't it might be even worse since I won't have any insulin, then have that one on your conscious.