People in my life can attest that I don't like being alone. HATE IT! Especially when it comes to the trials in my life. Since this is my DIABETIC BLOG, I guess I will be referring to that particular trial in my life.
I am not exactly sure why, but when I hear that someone has diabetes, I am, at first, very saddened for them, and second, so glad I have found a new friend who can relate to what I am going through.
This is such the case that you can be a complete stranger to me, and I hear, somehow, that you have diabetes, and we immediately become best friends! It is that instantaneous (is that even a word?)!
I have tried to figure out exactly why you can form a bond with someone with only that in common so quickly. I am not sure there is an explanation, only that sometimes it can be so much a part of everything you do in life, that in some ways, it feels like only someone with diabetes can truly understand how your life can work.
Maybe this is the reason I have related so much better to doctors and nurses in my life who either have diabetes or are connected to someone personally who has it. I want to say "you don't understand", yet, I cant use that line on someone who actually does!
This post is for all my diabetic friends out there who have helped me get over myself and concentrate on what is really important, but have also been there for me to complain to when I feel like it just isn't fair! YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!! DIABETICS UNITE!