Friday, February 18, 2011

I really can eat that!

This post is for my dad, and he probably won't ever read it!!

 My dad was the person that helped me with my diabetes throughout my life.  He was the one who knew what I could and couldn't eat, and pushed me, and pushed me hard to remain in control ( that was difficult during my teenage years, other kids rebelled  with drugs, and alcohol, I rebelled with my diabetes).

 Back in the day when I first was diagnosed with diabetes, things were different.  It use to take me 3 minutes to test my blood sugar...and it was a whole process of wiping, blotting, and rewiping.  I use to have to do 5 or so shots a day, and was on an "exchange system."

 Boy, those were definitely the days!   Now, it takes 5 seconds to test my blood, and they have these amazing things called pump to help deliver your insulin ( still get blown away by how awesome that is).

 And with that, they have learned how to help diabetics count carbs.  This is amazing, and incredible!  What it means, basically, is that diabetics can eat pretty much how everyone else can!  TRULY, they just takes a bit more math and calculating.

 When I say that, I should emphasize that ALL of us shouldn't be having ten candy bars a day, and 15 pizzas.  We all should be making healthy choices, no matter what our situation, but it is NOT the END OF THE WORLD if we want a piece of pie, as long as it is in moderation and figured out.

 The reason why this entire post is dedicated to my daddy is that for my entire life, he helped me, watched me, made me eat right.  HE was really strict with me....

 HE was diagnosed about a year ago with type 2 diabetes, and well, it has opened his eyes.  He now understands how frustrating it is for people to judge your every move and every little thing you CONSIDER eating!  He has learned with me that if I do know the carbs and the ratios, I can have some sweets every now and then...

 It is just one of my big pet peeves ( as posted in other of my posts) that people don't think diabetics can have anything but salad .  So, I just wanted to write this post to get it out there.  We are all more alike than you me.  I have had diabetes for almost 25 years, and have been in good control.  Don't get me wrong, I have by no means been perfect and have had some serious struggles ( having a child and gaining 65 pounds in the process, and being in the ICU--- being one of them---another post for a different day)...I have been there, I just wanted to vent about food today. The truth is, I have not had anything sweet for a really long time ( been trying really hard), and today is one of those days where I need something sweet.

 So, quit judging my eating this candy bar today, and realize that it just might be ok.....


  1. I love your blogs! I'm especially interested in this one. It's very intriguing. :)

  2. Hi Jamie! I am with you 100% on this post! We should all eat like a diabetic--just because bad food won't put us in the hospital immediately doesn't mean it's not bad for our health! I have another diabetic friend in my neighborhood who eats better than anyone I know, and she still faces criticism from people who tell her she can't eat things. So rude!

  3. Totally with you. After living with my roommie who had Type 1 (and being friends with you) I learned a WHOLE lot about all of this (having students with it didn't hurt either). And I get totally annoyed when people lecture and assume they know what people can and can't eat. I mean, I now check my blood sugar on a pretty regular basis so when dr's try to lecture me about the fact that I'm not perfectly skinny (not that I ever have been--and not that they always are either) I can shut them up by saying "ya--I check my blood sugar regularly--and it's never been off". Totally shuts them up! But ya--with the pumps especially, life can be SO different. Why can't people just mind their own business? I mean--I've never sat there judging what other people put in their mouths, so why do people think they have the right to judge what you put in your mouth?

    Mary P.
